Tuesday, February 17, 2009


My new goal this year is to be optimistic. We are waiting for movement still with Nieman's paperwork. Our agency director is in route to Vietnam. He plans to meet with officials to see if he can get an answer on whether or not this adoption will be processed. The group of us waiting parents (24 in all) are actively writing letters to The State Department (i.e. Hilary Clinton) to see if she will take an interest in our cases and get involved.

I am also trying to be optimistic about the acupuncture. This week will be my third round of it. He is trying to focus the needles on the infertility. I keep trying to picture us with Nieman and me also pregnant. That would be the greatest. I could have my two kids and be done and my stress level would be less. I know, the parents reading this are thinking, you'll have new stress to deal with having two kids. I know I will, but it will be a enjoyable stress, fulfilling even. I'll take that over this.

Anyway, this is my new goal.


Teri said...

Optimistic is good, hard, but good.

Genny said...

Well I will help keep you as optimistic as I can!!!